This file contains supplemental documentation about Aldus PageMaker 4.2 and Apple System 7.0. The information is divided into the following categories:
• Aldus Installer/Utility
• Apple Macintosh System 7.0
• Compatibility between PageMaker 4.2 and earlier versions
• Importing text, graphics, and worksheet data
• Text and composition
• Additions
• Sample scripts and scripting
• Printing
• Dictionary Editor and hyphenation
• PPDs and PDXs
For information about creating aliases for the applications that you use frequently to edit text and graphics, see the “Readme” online file stored in the Editor Aliases folder within the Aldus folder (within the System Folder).
Before installing PageMaker 4.2, make sure that the name of the hard drive where you plan to install PageMaker differs from the names of the installation disks. For example, your hard drive should NOT be named “PM 1.” In addition, the name of your hard drive should contain characters rather than only punctuation marks, such as “.” (period). Either of these naming conventions can cause problems when you install or launch PageMaker.
Our testing shows that some extensions can interfere with the installation process, with the result that you’ll be asked to reinsert the first installation disk. We’ve identified two extensions that cause this problem, Escapade and Thunder 7. See the next section of this file, “Apple Macintosh System 7.0,” for steps to take to avoid problems with extensions.
If you have any other Aldus or Silicon Beach product installed on your system when you install PageMaker 4.2, make sure you double-click on the Aldus Installer/Utility icon from “PM 1” to launch the Aldus Installer/Utility and begin the installation. If you click the Install Control icon, you will launch the version of the Aldus Installer/Utility that was installed with the other products, which is incompatible (in some instances) with the version that comes with PageMaker 4.2. You should also use the Installer/Utility that came with PageMaker 4.2 if you install additional files (such as filters) at a later date.
The following files are installed when you select the “Easy install” option:
• Additions (in the Additions folder): “BalanceCol.add,” “DropCap.add,” “PageSorter.add” (this file includes both “Sort pages…” and “Make booklet…”), “PubInfo.add,” and “RunScript.add.”
• Import filters (in the Aldus filters folder): “MS Word 3.0 Import.flt,” “MS Word 4.0 Import.flt,” “Smart ASCII Import.flt,” “WordPerfect PC 5.0 Import.flt,” “RTF Import.flt,” and “Story importer 1.01.flt.”
• Export filters (in the Aldus filters folder): “RTF Export.flt,” “ASCII Text Export.flt,” and “MS Word 3.0/4.0 Export.flt.”
• All tutorial files (in the Tutorial folder).
• Files in the Utilities folder: “Aldus Installer/Utility,” and “TeachText.”
• Files in the Aldus folder: “Kern Tracks,” “PM PANTONE Colors,” “PM4.2 RSRC,” and “Aldus Prep.”
• Templates (in the Templates folder): Avery templates inside the Avery folder (“Avery 5160,” “Avery 5161,” Avery 5162,” and “Avery 5163”), “Brochure 1,” calendar templates inside the Calendar dates folder (“Calendar,” “April ’92,” “August ’92,” “December ’91,” December ’92,” “February ’92,” “January ’92,” “January ’93,” “July ’92,” “June ’92,” “March ’92,” “May ’92,” “November ’92,” “October ’92,” and “September ’92”), “Newsletter 1,” and “Registration form.”
• Dictionaries (in the US English folder within the Proximity folder): “AldEng.BPX,” “AldEng.NFO,” and “AldEng00.VPX.”
• Applications (in the Aldus PageMaker 4.2 folder): “PageMaker 4.2,” “PM 4.2 Help,” “Table Editor 1.01,” and “CheckList 1.0.”
• Sample scripts (in the Aldus PageMaker 4.2 folder): “Recipe.Script,” “Fractions.Script” and “Crayon Colored Boxes.Script”
• PPD/PDX files (in the “PPDs” folder): “CGENERAL.PDX,” “GENERAL.PDX,” “APPLE230.PDX,” “APPLE380.PDX,” “HPIII522.PDX,” “HPIIP522.PDX,” “L100_425.PDX,” “L300_493.PDX,” “LWNTX470.PDX,” “LWNT_470.PDX,” “N890_470.PDX,” “QMS81470.PDX,” “QMSCS494.PDX,” “APPLE230.PPD,” “APPLE380.PPD,” “HPIII522.PPD,” “HPIIP522.PPD,” “L100_425.PPD,” “L300_493.PPD,” “LWNTX470.PPD,” “LWNT_470.PPD,” “N890_470.PPD,” “QMS81470.PPD,” “QMSCS494.PPD,” and the PDX Editor.
Correction to Aldus PageMaker New Features Guide page 14: Aldus Installer/Utility installs the file “PM4.2 RSRC” in the Aldus folder within the System Folder (rather than in the System Folder).
Apple advises all users to restart their computer immediately following the installation of new applications. Also according to Apple, you may have to double-click on the PageMaker application the first time you run it after installation, rather than on a PageMaker publication. The PageMaker publications will have “generic” document icons rather than PageMaker icons when this is true. Thereafter, assuming that you remove copies of previous PageMaker versions from your hard disk, you will be able to double-click on any PageMaker publication to start PageMaker and open that publication.
Our testing of PageMaker and System 7.0 indicates that rebuilding the Finder’s desktop after installation, or any time PageMaker document icons are incorrect, is a good idea. To rebuild the desktop, you simple restart your computer while holding down the Command and Option keys, and at the prompt click “OK.”
Apple advises users of System 7.0 to have some free memory available at all times. For example, if you start an application while running with less memory than the amount of memory the application requests in its MultiFinder partition, you will be warned, and you may be asked if you want to start in the available memory. If you choose to start the application with less than the requested memory available, you will consume all available free memory, which can significantly degrade performance and adversely effect system operation.
In addition, if you launch any System 7.0 application that requests a partition size that happens to be within 20K of the largest available block of free memory, the following can occur:
• The launching application may run very slowly.
• The launching application may crash during startup.
• The launching application may crash unpredictably at any time.
• Any other extension or application that is currently running may crash at any time.
PageMaker 4.2 is installed with a default partition size of 1500K. If you are running it on a system that has a large amount of available memory, you can increase performance by setting the partition size to 2000K (or higher): Highlight the PageMaker 4.2 icon in the Finder when PageMaker is not running, choose “Get Info…” from the File menu, and edit the partition size at the bottom of the window. However, because you can experience any of the above state problems when tight memory conditions exist, make sure that you have ample available memory before increasing the partition size.
NOTE: If you have both PageMaker 4.01 and 4.2 installed on your system, you may notice that the image quality of the icons for the programs degrades. This occurs because both applications share the same “ALD4” creator type. This is harmless and will not affect your work in any way. You can recreate the icons by rebuilding your desktop; however, it will persist if both applications remain on your computer.
System 7.0 contains many valuable new features that PageMaker 4.2 puts to use. You can use the tips below to ensure that your transition to System 7.0 is as smooth as possible. For more information about installing and running System 7.0, please contact Apple technical support. Registered users of Apple System 7.0 can call 1-800-RUN-7777.
• Use the Apple Compatibility Checker before you install System 7.0 to ensure that your Applications, Control Panel and Startup documents are compatible with System 7.0.
If you decide not to run the Compatibility Checker, consider temporarily removing any Control Panel and Start up documents before installing System 7.0. It is always best to start from a “clean” system when performing a major upgrade. You can add extension files later when you determine what tools you need. When you add extension files to System 7.0 add them one at a time and run your computer for a few hours with each extension to ensure that the extension isn’t conflicting with your application software. If you are having problems, restart your system while you hold down the Shift key, which restarts System 7.0 without any extensions. You can then remove the incompatible file.
• Keep in mind that Multifinder is always running under System 7.0. If you are new to Multifinder, click the icon in the right corner of the menu bar to see what is currently running on your system. For example, PageMaker may be running (if you launched it earlier and then switched to another program), and you can select it from this menu instead of launching it again.
• TrueType fonts are installed in the system.
• It is best not to mix TrueType and Adobe Type 1 fonts.
• If you are using Adobe Type Manager, you must upgrade to version 2.02 (or version 2.03 for the Quadra 700 and Quadra 900 machines).
• Use aliases to rearrange any applications you have on your system, rather than moving the applications from their original folders.
• Remember that the virtual memory feature or System 7.0 will help system performance only if you have available, contiguous disk space on your hard drive, because System 7.0 regularly transfers information to and from the disk. If your disk is fragmented or you have not reformatted it recently, consider reformatting it to improve performance for virtual memory.
• PageMaker 4.2 is compatible with System 7.0 32-bit addressing. You can use 32-bit addressing if you want to take advantage of increased physical memory and virtual memory.
NOTE: PageMaker 4.2 now stores temporary files (named “ALDTMPnn”, where “nn” specifies the number of the temporary file) in the Temporary items folder on your hard drive. In the event of a system crash, restart your system. You can then recover these files as necessary from the Recovered items folder in “Trash.” In addition, the Temporary items folder is visible from file list dialog boxes in PageMaker 4.2. Make sure you don’t inadvertently save publications to this location.
PageMaker 4.2 uses PPD and PDX files rather than APD files. Therefore, when you open a PageMaker 4.0 or 4.01 publication in PageMaker 4.2, you must choose “Print…” to specify a new printer (by selecting a PPD). When you first choose “Print…” you will receive an error message indicating that PageMaker failed to find a PPD. The message is misleading: first, the PPD it refers to corresponds to the APD you last specified in the 4.0 or 4.01 publication; second, it implies that it searched and did not find the PPD in the PPDs folder when this is not actually the case. Simply click “Continue,” to open the “Print” dialog box. Choose the PPD you want from the “Printer type” pop-up menu.
It’s a good idea to save the publication after selecting the PPD, otherwise you will get the message each time you go to print.
NOTE: When you open a PageMaker 4.2 publication in PageMaker 4.0 or 4.01, you must open the “Print” dialog box and select an APD.
Microsoft Word 5.0: Files from Microsoft Word 5.0 for Macintosh, announced but not shipping at the time of PageMaker 4.2’s release, may not be fully compatible with PageMaker’s Word 4.0 filter. Problems can occur if Word's “Fast save” option is checked when you save a Word file and then import the file into PageMaker. In certain circumstances, the problems can even cause PageMaker to crash during import. Uncheck the “Fast save” option if you plan to import the file into PageMaker. The best way to solve any problem you encounter while importing Word 5.0 files is to save the file in RTF or Word 3.0 format—all your formatting will be preserved when you use these other formats.
Aldus FreeHand 3.1: If you subcribe to and then crop a PICT file published by Aldus FreeHand 3.1, the PICT does not print correctly—it is scaled, not cropped, to the size of the cropped area. To solve the problem, open the illustration in Aldus FreeHand, and then either publish the file in EPS format (and subscribe to it from within PageMaker), or export the file as a PICT (and place it into PageMaker as normal linked file). You can then crop and print the graphic correctly.
Word Perfect 5.1: You cannot import PC Word Perfect 5.1 files into PageMaker 4.2. Save the files as Word Perfect 5.0 files and then import them.
RTF files: PageMaker may crash if you repeatedly attempt to import an RTF file that includes a style name which contains illegal characters. The characters not permitted in RTF style names are the back slash (\), semicolon (;), left brace ({), and right brace (}). Normally, PageMaker will refuse to import these invalid files and will display an alert message.
Many word processors permit these characters in style names. However, the RTF specification does not permit them. PageMaker exports the RTF format correctly; other applications that generate RTF do not. Most applications (Word 4.0 for example) cannot import RTF files that contain these invalid style names. It is best to avoid using these characters in style names.
Excel: You can import Excel worksheets with up to 40 columns. If you import a worksheet that exceeds that limit, PageMaker will import the columns up to the limit and discard the rest of the data (the file you are importing remains unchanged). If you subscribe an Excel edition using the RTF filter, you are limited to no more than 21 columns, because Excel only publishes up to 21 columns in RTF format.
When you import Excel worksheet data, the number you enter for the “Places” option affects the imported data as follows:
• If you use a “specific format” rather than a “general format” in Excel, such as “0.000,” the smaller of the two specifications (the Excel format and the “Places” option) is used to import the data. For example, if the format from Excel is “0.000” and you enter “2” in the “Places” option, the data will be rounded to two decimal places when it is imported.
• If you specify a “general format” in Excel, the number you enter in “Places” has no effect on how the data is imported. The number of decimal places is determined by the width of the column.
When you use style tags in your Excel worksheet, consider the following tips:
• Style tags in Excel must be placed in the first cell at the beginning of a row. Every cell is imported as a tab plus the contents of the cell and text strings are always truncated to fit the width of the cell. Therefore, if you include a tag and it is truncated, the ending bracket is lost and the text is no longer identifiable as a tag.
• Once as tag is identified as such, the type specifications of the tag are imported; however, the alignment of the cell in which the tag resides is not considered part of the specification and is not imported.
• If you include a tag that names a style that doesn’t exist, the Excel filter will create a new style based on the type specifications used for the tag, and the type specifications of any subsequent cells in the row are considered to be style overrides.
If you publish an Excel file as an edition, subscribe to it in PageMaker, and then re-publish from Excel different data to the same edition filename, PageMaker may display an empty text block for that subscriber. To alleviate this problem, make sure that you always publish to unique filenames.
If you import an Excel text edition file as a PICT (by holding down Shift while you click “Subscribe to” in the “Subscriber to” dialog box) and then lose the link to that file, you will not be able to relink to it by using the “Link info…” command. (The “Link info” dialog box does not display text files when a graphic is selected in layout view.) You must subscribe to the file again.
Correction to page 113 of the Aldus PageMaker New Features Guide: the maximum page size (42 inches) is not 1029 millimeters. The correct measurement is 1066.8 millimeters.
You can delete all ruler guides in Layout view by holding down Shift and choosing “Guides” from the Options menu.
To halt a “multiple paste” operation, press Command + . (period).
It is best not to run PageMaker under System 7.0 with more than 256 fonts installed on your system. The large number of fonts can cause the listing of fonts in the Font submenu (on the Type menu) to behave erratically.
If you have applied baseline leading to text in your publication and are viewing it as greeked text at “Fit in window” display size, that text will appear as solid blocks of gray.
If you have an object around which you are wrapping text and you intend to apply rules above or below the text, use spaces before and after the text-wrapped object rather than tabs. If you use tabs, the rules will only display on one side of the text-wrapped object.
Suitcase II version 1.2.11 (or later) is required for use with PageMaker 4.2. PageMaker 4.01 was compatible with earlier versions of Suitcase, but 4.2 requires this version of Suitcase in order to correctly download PostScript fonts loaded with Suitcase. Fifth Generation Systems has released Suitcase II updaters which will convert earlier versions of Suitcase II 1.2 to 1.2.11. The updater is available on Disk 5 of the PageMaker installation disks. The updater is not actually installed, but you can insert the disk and drag the updater onto your hard drive. Fifth Generation Systems has also announced Suitcase version 2.0. For more information on Suitcase 2.0, contact Fifth Generation Systems at 800-873-4384.
In the QuicKeys II “Universal” key set, Command + Option + P is defined as the QuicKeys “Pause” command. This conflicts with the PageMaker page number entry key combination. Therefore, to enter page number markers while using QuicKeys II, you must either alter or delete the key combination for the “Pause” command, or toggle QuicKeys II off (by pressing Command + Option + . [period]), enter the page marker, and then toggle QuicKeys II back on.
“Drop cap…”: If you apply a drop cap to a letter that contains a descender—that is, a portion of the letter extends below the baseline, the descender may overwrite the text on the line below the drop cap. To solve this problem, adjust the point size of the drop cap.
If you create a drop cap that is taller than the number of lines in the paragraph, the drop cap may overwrite text in the paragraph below. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, limit the number of lines for the drop cap to the number of lines in the paragraph.
Note that no tab character is inserted in the first line. This leaves the first word intact for future spell checks. If you want the second character in the first line to align with the first indented character in the subsequent lines, insert a tab immediately following the drop cap character.
To undo a drop cap, you must reset the type attributes of the first character, and remove the end of line and tab characters from the paragraph.
“Sort pages…”: Elements that span two double-sided facing pages, such as a graphic that bleeds across the center, display in the “Sort pages” dialog box only on the left page.
Correction to page 135 of the Aldus PageMaker New Features Guide: To insert a selection of pages between a pair of facing pages, press Command and then drag the selection over the facing pages.
“Display pub info…”: The font information listed by this Addition includes all fonts referenced in your publication, not just those that are actually used. For example, you may have referenced a font in a style that is not applied; PageMaker lists that font as part of the font information. The information about styles is limited to the style name, the “next” style name, and the “based on” style name. Although it is not as convenient as using “Display pub info…,” you can use “Checklist” (stored in the Aldus PageMaker 4.2 folder) to generate a more comprehensive list of style information.
“Make booklet…”: To generate the new publication with pages arranged two-up, “Make booklet…” must temporarily alter PageMaker 4.2 defaults. Therefore, if you halt this process before it is completed, the PageMaker defaults may remain in this changed state. To correct them, choose “Page setup…” when no publication is open and check “Double-sided” and “Facing pages” for “Options.”
PageMaker is unable to make booklets from unsaved publications. So, when creating new publications, please be sure to save the publication before selecting “Make booklet…”.
Run script…: The “Trace” checkbox in the “Run Script” dialog box lets you test and debug Additions scripts. If the option is checked when you run a script, a window opens in which the text of the selected script appears. You can then click “Step” to execute one line of the script at a time, or “Run” to execute the entire script. When stepping through a script, the script line that will next be executed next is highlighted. If you press the “Run” button, the script will be executed in its entirety, with each line being highlighted before it’s executed. If a line in the script causes an error, the Trace window closes and the appropriate error messages appear. If a script fails to run, the window closes at the point at which an error occurs in the script. You can move the window as the script is being run, and you can click “Cancel” to stop the script from being carried out.
PageMaker 4.2 comes with several sample scripts you can run with the “Run script…” command. They'll give you an idea of how easy and powerful scripts are to use. Each script includes embedded comments within the text of the script—explanations of what each section of the script is instructing PageMaker to do. To read the explanations, simply place the script file into your publication. To run the scripts:
1) In a titled publication, choose “Run script…” from the Aldus Additions submenu. (To run the script “Fractions,” you must first click an insertion point to the right of the numbers you want to modify, as described below.)
2) In the dialog box, open the Aldus PageMaker 4.2 folder, and then double-click the name of the script you want to run.
• “Recipe.Script” opens a new publication, creates a recipe for cookies, and then turns several non-whole numbers in the recipe into correctly-formatted fractions. It also adds text that explains how “Fraction.script” works.
• “Fraction.Script” changes the format and appearance of a manually typed fractions. To do this, PageMaker substitutes the standard slash you typed with a non-breaking fraction slash, changes the numerator to a superscript character and changes the denominator to a subscript character.
To run the script, type a fraction (such as 2/3), insert the text cursor just to the right of the fraction (do not highlight the fraction), choose “Run Script...” from the “Aldus Additions” submenu, select “Fraction.Script,” and click “Run File.”
• “Crayon Colored Boxes.Script” creates 62 boxes on a page, and creates and applies a different color to each box.
Another file in the Utilities folder, “Script Spell List,” is a text-only file you can use to spell-check a script ( the file is a list of script commands and keywords used in the scripting language). By using the Dictionary Editor to import the file into a new or existing user dictionary, and using the dictionary to control hyphenation and check spelling in your scripts, you can ensure that the scripts are free from those kinds of errors.
The General PDX files (“GENERAL.PDX” and “CGENERAL.PDX”) replace the General APD files that came with PageMaker 4.0 and 4.01. “GENERAL.PDX” is based on the Apple LaserWriter Plus v.38 PDX and may display error messages specific to this PDX. “CGENERAL.PDX” is based on the QMS ColorScript 100 v49.4.
Correction to PageMaker 4.0 documentation: Publications that are part of a book list will always print with the same print settings (for example, scaling) of the publication from which you are printing. Holding down Option or Command while you choose “Print…” has no effect on this behavior.
When printing to an imagesetter that has the “Ledger” paper choice, choose “Ledger Portrait” rather than “Ledger Landscape,” even if your pages are in “landscape” orientation. Choosing “Ledger Landscape” ALWAYS causes the pages to be rotated ninety degrees.
When downloading Aldus Prep, PageMaker may display the message “%%[Exitserver: Permanent state may be changed.]%%.” This message is an indication of normal processing and you can ignore it.
The Apple symbol, which is part of the Symbol font character set, will only print on Apple LaserWriter printers. If you plan to substitute the Symbol font for special characters in your publication (an option PageMaker provides in the “PostScript print options” dialog box), you will not be able to print the Apple symbol on most imagesetters because that symbol is only available on Apple printers.
The following procedures currently do not work and will be corrected in a future version of PageMaker:
• If you place an EPS file on top of any other color imported element or image and then choose spot color overlays with knockouts when you print, the underlying image will not be knocked out.
• Choosing the “Smooth” option in the “Aldus print options” dialog box will have no effect on your printed output.
• Choosing the “Legal size” paper tray AFTER selecting “Manual feed” will cause “Manual feed” to be deselected. You must then reselect “Manual feed.” To solve this problem, simply reverse the order in which you choose the options.
AppleShare Print Server versions 2.x or earlier are not compatible with the Aldus driver. For updates on AppleShare Print Server, call Apple.
Do not install a user dictionary created for one language inside the folder for a different language. PageMaker in some cases may not recognize the file, and may overwrite it.
Make sure that PageMaker is not running when you install a new dictionary. PageMaker searches for dictionaries only when you launch it, and therefore will not be able to find the newly installed dictionary.
When working with large user dictionaries (such as those that contain over 10,000 words) you can improve the Dictionary Editor’s performance by increasing the size of the application’s memory partition to 1,400K.
Avoid adding words containing numbers or punctuation symbols to the dictionary by using the “Add…” option in the “Hyphenation” dialog box. The Dictionary Editor does not recognize these words as valid and will not let you edit them.
If you add a word to the dictionary that contains a bullet mark, the bullet mark will be converted to a space.
PageMaker dictionaries will not hyphenate words containing internal capitalized letters correctly. For example, the word “PageMaker” would be not hyphenated correctly.
NOTE: To use the PDX Editor, you must have Hypercard 2.0 (or later) installed on your computer.
Avoid naming paper sizes that are the same as legal keywords such as “*Page size.” If you use the PDX editor to delete a paper size that has the same name as a legal keyword in the file, the PDX editor will delete that keyword rather than the paper size. If you have done this inadvertently, edit the PDX file with any text editor, enter the deleted keyword again, and save the file in “text-only” format.
If you are adding paper sizes to PDX files for roll-feed or multiple-resolution printing devices (such as imagesetters), you should, in general, enter a paper size that, when multiplied by the resolution, gives a product no larger than approximately 32,766 (based on the 16-bit address limit of many printing devices). For example, in order to print at a resolution of 2540 dpi (dots per inch) on an imagesetter with an internal, 16-bit address limit, your paper height can be no larger than approximately 12.9 inches. Not all imagesetters have a internal 16-bit address limit; check the address limit of the imagesetter you plan to use and then calculate the paper height accordingly.
The L300*.PDX files contain two additional paper sizes: “Letter.extra.transverse - C & D” and “Tabloid.extra - C & D”. Choose these paper sizes if you plan to print to Linotronic Cora or Densy model imagesetters. The Linotronic Cora and Densy model imagesetters have a smaller maximum image area (approximately 11.7", measuring across the roll of film) than more recent imagesetters (approximately 12"). If you try to print on a Linotronic Cora or Densy model imagesetter with the standard “Letter.extra.transverse” and “Tabloid.extra” paper sizes, you’ll get a PostScript error when you print.
Correction to the Aldus PageMaker New Features page 120: Duplicate PDX nicknames will display with the associated PDX file name rather than appended unique characters such as “_A” or “_B.”
PageMaker builds a configuration file of PPD/PDX filenames the first time you print in the current session. This configuration file is the basis of the list of names that displays for “Printers” in the “Print to: [printer name]” dialog box. If you edit a PDX file while PageMaker is running, you can reselect the PDX name in “Printers” and PageMaker will recognize the changes you made to the file. However, to see any name changes, you must rebuild the list of names in “Printers” by holding down Shift and choosing “Print…” from the File menu.
The file “PPD list.txt” lists the complete set of PPD and PDX files included with PageMaker 4.2, and shows the printer associated with each one.